Slui Exe 0x2a 0xc004d302 › ★ 0xc004d302 Slui.exe 0x2a 0xc004d302 Microsoft Windows Core. ★

I am running windows server 2008 enterprise on an evaluation period. After the initial eval period, I was instructed to run slmgr.vbs to re-arm the eval. Now I cannot login to the server and get 0xC004D302. The one account I can log into is an account that stays logged in, so i can get into the server with some rights. Find answers to slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004F015 from the expert community at Experts Exchange. First of, after typing in your “slmgr -rearm” command on my PC’s cmd–and, yes I’m running it as an Administrator–instead, of the anticipated restart the PC response, I get this error: “On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run ‘slui.exe 0x2a 0xC004D302’. 0xc004d302 Slui.exe 0x2a 0xc004d302 Microsoft Windows Core. Braums Employee Handbook Crucc 2.4 Car Radio Universal Code Calculator Easy Drive Data Recovery 3.0 Keygen Generator Ringtonuri Si Sonerii Download Bakugan Battle Brawlers Full Episode Sub Indo Xforce Keygen Autocad 2014 64 Bit Installation Source Registry Key.

0xc004d302 Slui.exe 0x2a 0xc004d302 Microsoft Windows Core.

Symptoms :

On already activated KMS client a Windows Activation window comes up with the error

An error has occurred:

Code: 0xC004D302

해결방법은 c:/windows/system32 폴더안에 slui.exe라는 파일 권한을 administrator에 모든 권한을 부여하면 해결됩니다. 권한 변경하시는 방법 마우스 오른쪽 클릭 - 속성 - 보안 탭 - 고급 - 소유자 탭 - 편집.

Description: The Security processor reported that the trusted data store was rearmed.

Cause :

1. Changes in the default permissions of the 'C:ProgramDataMicrosoftCryptoRSAMachineKeys' .

Windows Activation Error 0xc004d302

2. Corruption in the Licensing Files. (tokens.dat)

3. If you have run the slmgr.vbs /rearm command and try to run any other activation command(/dlv or /dli for example) prior to rebooting you will experience this error. You must reboot after using the slmgr.vbs /rearm command prior to attempting activation.


1. Change the directory on the command prompt by typing in

(For Vista and Windows 2008)

cd '%windir%ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareLicensing'

(For Win 7 and Windows 2008 R2)

cd '%windir%ServiceProfilesNetworkServiceAppDataRoamingMicrosoftSoftwareProtectionPlatform'

2. Backupy tokens.dat to tokens.old by typing the command and copy the token.dat from activated machine.


ren tokens.dat tokens.old

3. Activated using slmgr command by typing in

- slmgr –ato (using Internet)

- slui.exe -4 (using telephone)

I am trying to activate MS Server 2012 R2 Standard and I'm having issues.

I have installed the software from the ISO file I downloaded from the volume licensing site. I have learned that this file installs a KMS client version of the software by default. I have both KMS and MAK keys for this software but since I'm only installing 2 instances of the software, MAK makes the most sense to me. I don't have a KMS host running on my network so I need to use MAK client. However, I cannot get my MAK keys to work when I run a powershell command such as slmgr.vbs -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx. I always get the same result which is an error message 0xc004e016 - on a computer running ms windows non-core edition, run slui.exe to display the error text.

Basically, its telling me that it doesn't like the license code. So, is there a separate ISO file for MAK client installations or is there a way to convert this KMS client to a MAK client. There is some documentation on this on google but they did not work. Just received the same error message. Can anyone offer some assistance for this issue? Calls to MS support have so far provided no help.


5 Answers

The reason you can't activate it is because you are not connected to the internet. I learn it the hard way. 2012 R2's error is very generic. When you put the license key, it try active the license right way. Because you dont have internet, it cant verify it.

Here is for anyone who try activate over phone on machine that has no internect connection.

Here is the trick I finally figured out.

You can't activate windows by phone because you have not put in the correct product key number. Here are the steps and I was able to activate over the phone. I have not see any one post these steps yet. I spent 4 days with Microsoft trying to get some helps. With other user's input and I was able to put together the complete steps.

1.To Change Product Key Number in a Command Prompt Open an elevated command prompt. In the elevated command prompt, type in the command below and press enter.

NOTE: Substitute XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX in this command below with your actual product key number with dashes instead. slmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX

2.type slui.exe 4 to access the phone activation screen and follow the steps to activate over the phone.

Ok, I went back to MS Volume Licensing and downloaded the ISO file again for MS Server 2012r2 and I noticed that it was different that the one that I had previously installed. I reinstalled this OS on the server and my MAK key worked this time. So all is good again. Thank you for your input.

0xc004d302 Activation



I created an account just to answer this question. I just ran into this issue, and when I figured out the fix, I realized that I had run into this before.


That's it. For some reason Server 2012 R2 doesn't seem to sync up with an outside source at all, so until you set it manually, you're going to be off and activation and checking for updates won't work. For my install today the system thought it was November 2014 - 11 months ago!

The ISO is the same - it will accept the MAK key, or let you use KMS.

Make sure you aren't accidentally using the KMS key - that needs to be installed on a KMS server and won't work directly. Also make sure you installed the correct version of Server 2012R2 - some ISOs give you the option to install Standard or Datacenter, but the license key from one will not work on the other.

Also double check that you typed (or preferably copy/pasted) the key correctly - didn't mix up an 8 for a B, etc.

If that still fails, the easiest thing to do would be to install the GUI and activate it through the GUI, since you'll be able to see the full error messages easily. One of the nice things about Server 2012 is you can add and remove the GUI at any time.

If it still fails, you'll have to call Microsoft support for them to verify the license key is correct or issue you a new one. Contacting wherever you bought the volume license may be easier than calling Microsoft directly - they may know who best to call to handle licensing issues.


Computer Running Non Core Edition

This can happen if you have no internet through the client firewall.

Even though the server looked like it had internet, because it could reach the DNS servers. Internet traffic was being blocked by the firewall the client had in place. Once the policy allowed the IP out, activation completed successfully.

John FlintJohn Flint

protected by CommunityOct 21 '15 at 13:56

Error Code 0xc004d302

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: 0Xc004d302 Slui.Exe 0X2a 0Xc004d302 Microsoft Windows, Core.

Activate Non Core Windows 10

Activator for Windows 8Non Core Edition. It will work on that windows that do not have any. How to remove the annoying slui. Activation error 0xC004D302. Windows Vista http and type in slui. Forums Microsoft Windows Windows 8. Windows 8 KMS Activation. On a computer running Microsoft Windows noncore edition, run slui. C004d302 to display. Windows. preventing activation, 0xc. Advertisement. Dear all Were using a Windows Server 2. R2 DC of a Domain and WDS Windows Deployment Services to deploy a Windows 8. MAK Multiple activation key. Learning English Mp3 Pdf here. Deployment works by PXE booting and deploying the original install. WDS Server. If we try to activate the deployed Windows on the client PC we experience the following 1. Activation in the GUI ends with error Windows has detected a change to the system files that is preventing activation. Xc004d302 Slui.Exe 0X2a 0Xc004d302 Microsoft Windows, Core.' />Getting error 0xC004F015 when trying to register a. Microsoft R Windows. On a computer running Microsoft Windows noncore edition, run slui. Command line, slmgr dli ends with Error 0xc. Computer running Microsoft Windows non core edition, run slui. Command line slui. The security processor has reported that the trusted data store was rearmed. Hence we cannot activate Windows. Our Windows copy and our licenses MAK key were purchased thru official channels. We urgently need this to work. SpEGk7B3Gc/hqdefault.jpg' alt=': 0Xc004d302 Slui.Exe 0X2a 0Xc004d302 Microsoft Windows, Core.' />Any help is much appreciated. Dominique, Zurich, Switzerland. Advertisement. Are we running slmgr rearm You may see this error if slmgr rearm was run and the machine was not rebooted after that and then activation queries or attempts were made. Also check the permissions on the CryptoRSAMachine. Keys. cacls systemdriveProgram. DataMicrosoftCryptoRSAMachine. Keys. post the results. Thanks, Darrell Gorter MSFT This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights. Error 0xC004d302 On a computer running Microsoft Windows noncore edition, run slui. C004d302. Slmgr 0xc004d302 Errors Windows operating. On a computer running Microsoft Windows noncore edition, run slui. Windows. Windows noncore edition, run slui. Simple suggestions to repair slui. The blog will introduces what is slui. How to resolve slui.