- inurl:'password.txt'
- Index of /password
- Index of / +banques +filetype:xls (for france...)
- Index of / password.txt
- Вот наиболее интересные:
- inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin
- intitle:Index of pwd.db
- intitle:index.of master.passwd
- intitle:index of intext:globals.inc
- intitle:Index.of etc shadow
- inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
- intitle:index of intext:connect.inc
- intitle:Index of .htpasswd htgroup -intitle:dist -apache -htpasswd.c
- filetype:xls username password email
- filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
- intitle:index.of.etc
- intitle:Index of config.php
- прикол: Index.ofICCQ dat
- filetype:ini inurl:wcx - пароли FTP от Total Command
- Index.of master.passwd - поиск паролей во FreeBSD
- Index.of 'amount.xls' - или важную банковскую базу
- filetype:sql inurl:users - какие-то базы пользователей
- intitle:Usage Statistics for Generated by Webalizer - смотрим статистику
- intitle:Index of dbconvert.exe chats - а также логи чата ICQ
- site:ru filetype:pl inurl:txt - поиск админских файлов в РУнете
- inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin - Дырявый MyAdmin
- inurl:'passlist.txt'
- inurl:'auth_user_file.txt'
- Index of /admin
- Index of /mail
- Index of / +banques +filetype:xls (for france...)
- Index of / password.txt
- inurl:main.php Welcome to phpMyAdmin
- intitle:Index of pwd.db
- intitle:index.of master.passwd
- intitle:index of intext:globals.inc
- intitle:Index.of etc shadow
- inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
- intitle:index of intext:connect.inc
- intitle:Index of .htpasswd htgroup -intitle:dist -apache -htpasswd.c
- filetype:xls username password email
- filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
- intitle:index.of.etc
- intitle:Index of config.php
Rdp Passlist.txt
Password dictionaries. These are dictionaries that come with tools/worms/etc, designed for cracking passwords. As far as I know, I'm not breaking any licensing agreements by mirroring them with credit; if you don't want me to host one of these files, let me know and I'll remove it. Just make sure passlist.txt is in wordlists directory. Add extension=phpsqlite3.dll to your php.ini file. If you don’t know where to find this, refer to the PHP docs.
Level Goal
Level Goal
A daemon is listening on port 30002 and will give you the password for bandit25 if given the password for bandit24 and a secret numeric 4-digit pincode. There is no way to retrieve the pincode except by going through all of the 10000 combinations, called brute-forcing.
So we need to write an script again to bruteforce this. I only now a bit of bash, but this should be doable. Lets see which command we need to execute and how this works. Lets try the format: nc localhost poort password pin
It asks for the pin after the connection. Okaay. Lets try to echo the password and pin and pipe this into nc and see what it does. This works we get a please enter the correct pincode back. We can use this in our script, but we need a list of all the possible combinations.
So I googled on how to make a for loop to generate the 4 digital pincode and came up with this:
This generated the passlist.txt with the password and 0000 for example:
So now the only thing I need to do is cat this file into nc and let it run? Lets try it.cat passlist.txt | nc localhost 30002
Pass List To View Mvc
Inurl Passlist.txt
This goes fast and it runs!, we got the password but no idea what pincode was entered. But we got the password: uNG9O58gUE7snukf3bvZ0rxhtnjzSGzG