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Popular Biography of Connecticut

Complied and Published by J A Spalding

Hartford, Conn

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Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company 1891


In presenting to the public this new contribution to the State literatureof Connecticut, the author appreciates the fact that various and differingstandards will be about the casual and careful reader in forming their opinionsof it's merits; hence he desires in the onset to offer a few thoughts whichappear to him to be essencital to correct understanding of the work inparticularly of its success as an accomplishment of a purpose. Thecriticwho views it fully from a literary and artistic standpoint and reaches hisconclusions from such an observation will be likely not to do it's authoran injustice but to do so all together of some of the book and it is reallya most safeworthy feature of the book. It may be said, too that whoever hasmade up his mind in advance that a biographical work which includes but sixor seven hundred subjects must exhause the field and probably embraces everybodyof any note whatever within the borders of the State, is doomed to a largedisappointment. And the few--perhaps it may prove that many-who expect here,as in most other biographical works, to find simply a collection of governors,and United States senators, and college professors, and gentlemen distinguishedfor very rare and profound attainments of one sort or another, will findthat this is not the work they have expected it to be. In a word, whateverreader forgets or overlooks the Popular feature of this volume will needto set right in that respect before he can enjoy or even understand, muchless pass intelligent judgment upon its contents. The inception of this workis indirectly attributable to the annoyance which its author has experiencedin his previous daily newspaper work, through the poverty of biographicalinformation obtainable from public sources concerning most of the fairlyprominent citizens of our State. His recent complete release fromjournalism afforded him an opportunity for undertaking to supply in somedegree the deficiency referred to; and with that end in view this work wasbegun.It is due to the reader, and to all who have been successfullyor unsuccessfully solicited to appear as subjects of this biography, to knowsomething of the methods which have governed its preparation. During themonth of December, 1890, one or two leading citizens of every town and cityin Connecticut were interviewed by the writer, and an arrangement was madein conformity with which these gentlemen subsequently submitted a list ofnames of nearly two thousand persons in all portions of the State, prominentin Business or professional life, or who were holding public positions andproperly entitled to be included in a popular biography of the Commonwealth.The list thus furnished included State, county, town, and municipal officials,representatives of the judiciary, the clergy, the military, the bar, physicians,merchants, manufacturers, artisans, business men, and whoever else amongthe inhabitants of the State could be regarded as commendably conspicuousin local or general affairs. To each of the individuals thus designated apersonal invitation was extended to appear in the proposed volume, the scopeand character of which were fully described and explained. Each recipientof the invitation was requested to furnish data from which an accurate biographyof himself might be prepared, and to provide a photograph from which a vignetteportrait might be made, for publication in the book. The invitation was acordial one, but no effort was made to induce anybody to accept itagainst his wishes. Of the two thousand persons thus invited, about sevenhundred accepted unconditionally and furnished the information sought. Theseseven hundred are included in the present volume. Others desired to appearin the book, but imposed conditions which could not be complied with, suchas that the portrait should be a full-page steel plate; or that the sketchshould carry advertisement of the subject's business; and in one case a gentlemanwho has a local reputation for writing poetry insisted that sundry specimensof his verse must accompany the sketch. Others declined the invitation ofvarious reasons, principally on the score of 'modesty'; and still otherswould have nothing to do with the matter because they had the impressionthat somehow the were going to be swindled. Of the entire list fully one-halfnever responded to the invitation. As will be observed, however, the favorableresponses were enough to render the volume sufficiently formidable in size,thoroughly comprehensive in character, and representative of every sectionof the State. It is a good beginning of an effort the principal object ofwhich has been to familiarize the people of Connecticut with the qualities,the characteristics, the accomplishments and the features of theirfellow-citizens who are or have been leaders and chief burden-bearers inall the active duties of life. To fully accomplish the work thus begun, andsimilarly present the numerous subjects yet remaining, would require andperhaps amy occasion the issue of succeeding volumes.Reference has alreadybeen made incidentally to the Popular feature of this compilation; whereinit differs, as it was intended to differ, essentially, form all othercompilations of State biography that have heretofore been made in this country.The term Popular in this connection is intended in its best sense-as opposedto Exclusive. This is not the biography of a class, or a sect, or a party,but of the People. Its subjects are selected from all walks of life; andwhile the list includes some names of world-wide celebrity, and many of greatdistinction in the Stake, it embraces also others unknown to fame beyondperhaps the limits of their own neighborhood, yet among the most honorableand in their sphere the most useful citizens of the Commonwealth. It maybe safely stated that there is absolutely not other published collectionthat includes fifty, even, of the seven hundred sketches which are spreadupon these pages; yet for the purposes of a reference book of the citizensof Connecticut, to be consulted for information concerning people who areprominent in their respective spheres of activity, the least of all thesecould not have been omitted from this volume without abridging its usefulnessand impairing its value. The Careful reader will doubtless be surprised todiscover how many citizens on lower pinnacles of fame than those whose deedsembellish the pages of familiar history or biography, are proven by thisrecord to be the peers of their more celebrated contemporaries.It is believedthat this publication will be the means of pleasantly introducing to theirfellow-citizens a great many gentlemen of distinguished ability andaccomplishments, whose lines of action have been circumscribe by local limits,whose works are universally recognized, but whose personality has heretoforebeen comparatively obscure. Inasmuch as the publication of these sketcheswas to be made with the authority and approval of their subject, it has beenthe intention of the author in every instance to consult individual wishesin their preparation. In some cases only the friefest data were furnished;and the sketches of this class of subjects will be found to be correspondinglybrief. Others entered enthusiastically and extensively into the workof supplying information, affording opportunity in many instances for completeand quite elaborate biographies. The results in every case furnish a fairindication of the extent to which facilities have been supplied or withheldby the subjects themselves. The author is under obligation to many gentlemen,whose names and faces appear on the following pages, for their activeco-operation with him in his efforts to make this work in the highest possibledegree interesting to the reader as well as valuable for reference. The politicalentanglements resulting from the State election (or non-election) in November,1890, have involved many of these biographies, contributing an element ofuncertainty as to the political status of some of the subjects which hasrendered all reference thereto a matter of considerable delicacy. Whereverallusion has of necessity been made to the political career of members ofeither the legislative of executive branch of the present State government,or of unsuccessful candidates for such honors, all expression of opinionhas been avoided and the record intentionally confined to a statement offacts. In the production of this volume it has been the aim of the compilerto exhaust every resource for securing absolute accuracy of detail in themater of biography, and to make its illustrations faithful and creditable.He is conscious of having exerted himself earnestly and honestly to preparefor and place before the public a work of thorough reliability andsterling value. He trusts that the effort will meet popular appreciationand approval.

J A Spalding

Hartford, July 1891


Able, Simeon, Bozrah Abell, S P, Lebanon Adams, Nelson,New Haven

Adkins, H R, Winsted Adams, Sherman W, Hartford Allen, B R, Hartford

Allen, Francis B, Hartford Allen John, Old Saybrook Allen, J M, Hartford

Allen, Samuel, New Hartford Alsop,J W, Middletown Ames,Anthony, Danielsonville

Andrews, George S, S Gltonby Andrews, J E, Hamden Andrews, Joseph,West Haven

Andross, W F, E Hartford Anthony, Francis G, N Haven Anthony, WilliamA, Manchester

Arnold, Charles, Thompson Atwood, E F, Bloomfield Attwood, Julius, E Haddam

Austin, W N, Plymouth Austin, Willis R, Nowrich Avery, Erasmus D, Groton

Avery, Erasmus D, Groton Avery, John, Lebanon

Babcock, Charles H, Stonington Backus, W W, Norwich Bailey, A S, E Hartford

Bailey, B A Danielsonville Bailey, Ezra B, Windsor Locks Bailey, JM, Danbury

Baird, J G Ellington Baker, Davis S, Ashford Baker, Henry A, Montville

Baldwin, H C, Beacon Falls Baldwin, J B, Willimantic Ball, Stephen, Hartford

Banks, Frederick J, Bridgeport Banning,Joseph B, Saybrook Barber, Peleg S, Stonington

Barbour, H S, Hartford Barbour, Joseph L, Hartford Barbour, Joseph L, Hartford

Barbour, Joseph L, Hartford Barbour, Lucius A, Hartford Barbour,Sylvester, Hartford

Barker, C W, N Branford Barker, Nathaniel C, Lebonon Barlow,J H, Shelton

Barnes, Charles D, Southington Barnes, Seth,Bristol Barnum, Joseph H, Hartford

Barrows, Albert, Willimanitic BarrowsF F, Hartford Bartlett, R E, Lebanon

Bartram, I N, Sharon Bartley, Joseph Dana, Bridgeport Bartram,E H, Sharon

Basset, E D, New Haven Bates, Gustavus D, Putnam Batterson, James G, Hartford

Beach, A Y, Seymour Beach, A P, Washington Beach, James H, N Britain

Beach, S Y, Seymour Beard, J H, Shelton Beardsley,A S, Plymouth

Beardsley, C W, Milford Beardsley, George L, Birmingham Beardsley, James W,Bridgeport

Beardsley, M B, Bridgeport Beardsley,Samuel G, Trumbull Beckith, Cryus G, New London

Beers, Silas C, Cornwall Belding, A N Rockville Belknap, Charles, Bridgeport

Bell, E I, Portland Bennett, Edward B, Hartford Bidwell, William L, Windsor

Bigelow, A C, New Fairfield Bigelow, EdwardF, Portland Bigelow, Hobart B, NHaven

Bill, Benezet H, Rockville Bill, Henry, Norwich Billings, Charles E, Hartford

Bissell, F P, Hebron Bissell, Lewis, E Hartford Blake, Amos S, Waterbury

Blake, Rufus W, New Haven Blake, William P, NewHaven Blakeman, James H, Stratford

Blakeman, S G, Hungtington Bliss, WatsonH, Hartford Bloss,Samuel L, Bethlehem

Boardman, W F J, Hartford Bolter,James, Hartford Bond, A H, Hartford

Bowen, A J, Willimantic Bradley, DeWitt C, Westport Bradley,E E, New Haven

Bradway, Charles P, W Stafford Brainard, Leverett, Hartford Brainerd, Erastus, Portland

Brasie, James W, Washington Brayton, Charles E,Stonington Briggs, Lucius, Griswold

Brinsmade, John C, Washington Brooker, Charles F, Torrington Brooks, Isaac W, Torrington

Brown, D D, Chatham Brown, Francis, Winsted Brown, Freeman M, Hartford

Brown, Hoxie, Colchester Brown,Nelson A, N Stonington Browne, JD, Hartford

Browning, C F, Middletown Bruggerhof, FW, Noroton Bryant,S J, West Haven

Buck, Edwin A, Willimantic Bucklyn, JohnK, Mystic Bucklyn, John K, Mystic

Bugbee, Edwin H, Putnam Bulkley,Edard M, Southport Bulkeley, MorganG, Hartford

Buckley, William H, Hartford Bullwinkle, Richard,Greenwich Bunce, Jonathan B, Hartford

Burdick, George H, Hartford Burlingame, C S,Canterbury Burr, George , Middletown

Bushnell, Cornelius S, Madison


Calef, A B, Middletown Calhoun, David S, Hartford Calhoun,J Gilbert, Hartford

Camp, C J, West Winsted Camp, WmL, Westinsted Carpenter,Elisha, Hartford

Carter, Henry B, Wolcott Carter,Stephen B, Westminster Case, A Wells, Manchester

Catlin, L S, Bridgeport Chadwick, R W, Lyme Chaffee, J Dwight, Mansfield

Chamberlain, S E, Wethersfield Chamberlin, Franklin,Hartford Chandler, F D, Eastford

Chapin, J H, Meriden Chapman, M S, Manchster Chapman, Orrin, N Stonington

Chase, George L, Hartford Childs,F R, Hartford Christ, E K, New Britain

Clark, N D, Woodbridge Clark, G S, Middlebury Clark, Thomas, N Stonington

Clark, Wm, B, Hartford Clemons, H N, Danielsonville Cleveland,Edward S, Hartford

Clowes, Geo H, Waterbury Coburn,J M, Brooklyn Colburn, George D, Union

Collins, John C, New Haven Colt, HenryG, Winsted Colton,O B, Hartford

Commerford, Charles, Waterbury Comstock, W H H, New London Conant, J A, Willimanic

Converse, Julius, Stafford Springs Cook, Asa S, Hartford Cooke, E Ludlow, Hartford

Corbin, Lewis A, Rockville Corbin,Philip, New Britain Cothren,William, Woodbury

Countryman, Franklin, N Branford Countryman, W A, Hartford Cowles, W A, Torrington

Crampton, Samuel R, Madison Crilly, John A, Hartford Crissy,Ralph I, Norfolk

Crofut, Sidney W, Danielsonville Crossfield, F S, Hartford Crothers, T D, Hartford

Culver, E E, Winsted


Dains, George W, E Litchfield Daniel,William F, Stamford Davis, CharlesH S, Meriden

Davison, C S, Hartford Dayton, A H, Naugatuck Deacon, Edward, Bridgeport

DeBruycker, Florimond, Willimantic Dennis, E C, Stafford Springs Dennis, Rodney, Hartford

Dewey, E W, N Granby Dewhurst, Eli, Bridgeport Dick, William J, Newtown

Dickinson, L A, Hartford Dillingham, E B, Hartford Dimock, Erwin O, Tolland

Doherty, John B, Waterbury Donahoe, D J, Middletown Dunbar, E B, Bristol

Dunbar, M B, Torrington Ducan, Thomas, Windsor Dunham, George, Unionville

Dwight, Henry C, Hartford Drake, Sidney, Hartford


Eaton, W W, Hartford Edmonds, Gorge B, Bridgeport Edwards,Bulkeley, Cromwell

Eggleston, A F, Hartford Eggleston, J D, Meriden Elliot, George E, Clinton

Ellsworth, PW, Hartford Ely, Dudley P, S Norwalk Emmerson, Irving, Hartford

Ensign, Wooster A, New Haven Etheridge, FrankW, Thomaston


Fay, George A, Meriden Fenn, Apollos, Plainville Fenn, Jason C, Terryville

Fessenden, Samuel, Stamford Feild,George P, Tolland Fisher, William H, Ne Haven

Fitch, Samuel, Rockville Fitton, Crossley, Rockville Fitzgerald, R N, Hartford

Fletcher, D S, Hartford Flint, George, Thompson Forbes, Ira E, Hartford

Foster, William B, Rockville Fowler, F C, Moodus Fowler, George W, Hartford

Fox, Charles, J, Williamantic Francis,Oliver S, S Canterbury Frisbie, Lemuel T, Hartford

Frost, Russell, S Norwalk


Gaffey, John F, New Haven Gardiner, Andrew J, Danielsonville Gardner, N R, Baltic

Gardner, W R, Waterford Gates, J Henry, N Branford Gatling, Richard J, Hartford

Geer, Erastus, Lebanon Gerhardt, Karl, Hartford Gibbons, Watson, Hartland

Gibbs, B B, Bloomfield Gilbert, H E H, Coventry Gildersleeve, Ferdinand, Portland

Gidersleeve, Henry, Portland Gildersleeve, O, Portland Gillette, E B, Cannan

Gillmore, J M, Rockville Gilpin, Joseph F, Ansonia Ginand, David, Bridgeport

Glover, William B, Fairfield Godard, Harvey, Granby Gold, T S, Cornwall

Goodman, A C, Hartford Goodrich, Alfred R, Vernon Goodrich, Stephen, Hartford

Goodwin, E O, E Hartford Goodwin, J O, E Hartford Goodwin, R S, Thomaston


Graham, James, Orange Granger, S A, Winsted Grannis, Alonzo, Waterbury

Grant, E M, Stamford Grant, M F, Norfolk Graves, HenryB, Litchfield

Graves, John S, New Haven Gray,John, Mystic Greeley, E S, New Haven

Greene, Albert C, Westminster Greene, JacobL, Hartford Greenslit, David, Hampton

Gregory, James G, Norwalk Griggs, C Edwin, Chaplin Griswold, D Charles, Guilford

Griswold, Edward, Guilford Gross, Charles E, Hartford Guernsey, L M, Mystic


Hall, C W, Southington Hall, John H, Hartford Hall, Lovell, Middletown

Hall, Russell L, New Canaan Hamersley, William, Hartford Hamilton, Alexander, Weston

Hamilton, Charles S, New Haven Hamilton, Wm H,Danielsonville Hammond, E Payson, Hartford

Hammond, S M, Torrington Hannum, T W, Hartford Harris, George A, Preston

Hart, A S, Farmington Hart, Jay H, Waterbury Hart, Julius A, Beacon Falls

Hart, M A, Riverton Hartigan, Wm R, Burlington Houghton, S W, Bozrah

Hauser, Christian, Waterbury Hawley,Joseph R, Hartford Hayden, H Sidney, Windsor

Healy, Robert, Seymour Heery, Luke M, Versailles Henney, David, Hartford

Henry, E S, Rockville Higgins, John E, Hartford Hill, Charles E, Stamford

Hiscox, O A, Woodstock Hitchcock, H P, Hartford Hodge, Georg W, Windsor

Holbrook, C M, Hartford Holbrook, S T, Norwich Holcombe, J M Hartford

Holcombe, N W, Simsbury Holmes, Israel, Waterbury Hopkins, Calb, Ellington

Hopkins, James A, Norwich Howard, Jams L, Hartford Howe, George E, Meriden

Howe, S H, Norwich Hoyle, James, Willington Hoty, George E, Meriden

Hoyt, H W R, Greenwich Hubbard, E H, Middletown Hubbard, L M Wallingford

Huke, Herman W, Torrington Hull,Eluphalet B, Darien Hunter, John L, Willimantic

Huntington, C W, Hartford Huntington, James, Woodbury Huntsinger,E M, Hartford

Hurlburt, J H, Bridgeport Hutchins, Joseph, Plainfield Hyatt, James W, Norwalk

Hyde, A P, Hartford Hyde, Ephraim H, Stafford Hyde, Frank E, Hartford

Hyde, William Waldo, Hartford


I ves, S A, Thompson


Jackson, C E, Middletown Jennings, Georg H, Jewett City Jennings, William, Redding

Jeralds, Bennett, Yalesville Jewell, Charles A, Hartford Jewell, Lyman B, Hartford

Jewell, Pliny, Hartford Johnson, C G, Meriden Johnson, Horace, Plainville

Jones, A H, Meriden Jones, Edward F, Branford Jones, George E, Litchfield

Joslyn, C M, Hartford Judson, Stiles, Jr, Stratford


Keleher, Daniel, Stonington Kellogg,H Martin, Lebanon Kelsey, Horace E, Westbrook

Ketchum, L Y, Woodbury Kiefer,Daniel, Waterbury Kingsbury, A, Coventry

Kingsley, John P, Plainfield Kirkham,John S, Newington Kirtland, O H, Old Saybrook

Knowlton, J W, Bridgeport Knowlton,Marvin, Willimantic Knowlton,N L, Ashford

Korper, Adolph, Willington


Ladd, Charles H, Sprague Ladd,Samuel J P, Canterbury Lake,Thomas A, Rockville

Landers, Charles S, New Britian Landers, George M, New Britian Langdon, George, Plymouth

Lathrop, John M N, Franklin Lawrence, CharlesH, Hartford Leach, L M, Durham

Leach, Oscar, Durham Leavenworth, John H, Roxbury Leavenworth, W J, Wallingford

Lee, John H, Norwalk Lee, William Wallace, Meriden Leeds, John H, New Haven

Leete, Calvin M, Guilford Lewis, Edward C, Waterbury Lewis, J B, Hartford

Lewis, John N, Voluntown Lewis,William I, Westbrook Lincoln, Charles F, Andover

Lincoln, J W, Chaplin Lipsette, Lewis Allen, Meriden Little, Saxton B, Meriden

Lockwood, D B, Bridgeport Lockwood, FSt John, Nowalk Loomis, Bryon, Suffield

Loomis, Dwight, Rockville Loomis, J N, Grandy Lounsbury, CharlesW, Darien

Lounsbury, P C, Ridgfield Love, , DeLoss Jr, Hartford Lucas, Solomon, Norwich


Mahl, George, Hartford Main, Charles H, N Stonington Manross, Elijah, Bristol

Marden, Francis A, Stamford Marggraff, E C, Watertown Markham,E A, Durham

Markham, Oliver, Middletown Marlor, Henry S, Brooklyn Marlor,Thos S, Brooklyn

Marsh, Albert P, New Britian Martin, CharlesF, Pomfret Martin, Thomas R, Waterbury

Marvin, E E, Hartford Marvin, J K, Suffield Mattoon, BH, Watertown

Maxwell, George, Rockville McConville,W J, Hartford McGaughey, J D, Wallingford

McGovern, Patrick, Hartford McKensie, T H,Southington McLane, W W, New Haven

McLean, George P, Simsbury McNeil, Charles, Torrington Merrill,T B Hartford

Merriman, E A, Meriden Merrow, J B, Mansfield Merwin, Samule E, New Haven


Messenger, F M, Thompson Miller, CharlesA, Meriden Miller, Dan A, Bristol

Miller, David H, Georgetown Miller, Edward,Meriden Miller, W J, Shelton

Miner, O E, Groton Mitchell, David M, Southbury Mix, Frank W, New Britain

Moore, D M, Colebrook Moore,N A, Kensington Morgan, D N, Bridgeport

Morgan, James T, insted Morris, Jonathan F, Hartford Morris, Luzon B, New Haven

Morse, George M, Putnam Morse, GorgeN, Meriden Morse, Nelson, N Woodstock

Moses, William , Waterbury Munson, A B,NewMilford


Nason, A F, Hartford Near, John N Bridgeport Neary, Thomas, Naugatuck

Nelson, Robert W, Hartford Nettleton, WH, Bristol Newport, E C, Meriden

Newton, C B, Stafford Springs Nichols, C N, Andover Nichols, James, Hartford

Nichols, Stephen, Bridgeport Nickerson, L J,Cornwall Noble, Thomas K, Norwalk

North, Joseph Howard, Goshen Northend, Charles, New Britian Northrop, B G, Clinton

Northrop D W, Middletown Noyes, Benjamin,New Haven Noyes, F B, Stonington


O'Neil, John, Waterbury Osborn, N G, New Haven Osborn, Orlando C, Oxford

Osborn, C E, Monroe


Page, Charles, N Branford Page,J D, Harinton Paige, A W,Huntington

Palmer, H R, Stonington Palmer, John Brooklyn Palmer, William F, Scotland

Parker, A M, Putnam Parsons, H A, Salem Parsons, E F, Thompsonville

Parish, R N, Montville Patterson, B C, Torrington Patterson,H D, Nuagatuck

Peabody, Joseph Jr, Waterford Pearl, Patrick H, Hampton Pease, Theo I, Thompsonville

Peck, Clifton, Franklin Peck, Henry W, Bethlehem Peck, John H, Ne Britain

Peck, Tracy, New Britian Peck, William Wales, Woodbridge Perkins, Charles E, Hartford

Perkins, Joshus, Danielsonville Phelps, Charles,Rockville Phelps, Clinton, East Granby

Phelps, James, Essex Philips, J M, Andover Picket, J A, New Britian

Pickett, Rufus S, New Haven Pierce, John,Southbury Pierce, Joseph B, Hartford

Pierpont, Joseph, North Haven Pike, R G, Middletown Pike, William C, Sterling

Pine, Charles H, Ansonia Pine, G E, Winsted Pinney, Charles H, Derby

Pinney, Marcus A, Ellington Pinney,Royal W, Derby Platt, David, West Haven

Platt, Orville H, Meriden Plumb, D W, Shelton Pomeroy,Charles B, Willimantic

Porter, John Addison, Pomfret Porter, Noah, NewHaven Post, William H, Hartford

Tbio News

Potter, Giles, New Haven Potter, Lester L, Hartford Pratt, Ambrose, Chester

Pratt, Francis A, Hartford Pratt, Lewellyn, Norwich Prentice, Amos W, Norwich

Preston, E V, Hartford Preston, Miles B, Hartford Prescott, William H, Rockville

Cmospwd Windows 7

Prior, Charles Ed, Jewett City Prior, Israel,Stamford Pulsifer, N T, Manchester


Quick, A J, South Coventry


Read, David M, Bridgeport Reade, H L, Jewett City Redway, Georfe M, Hartford

Richards, A T, Hartford Richards, F H, Hartford Robins, S, Wethersfield

Robertson, A Heaton, Ne Haven Robinson, H C, Hartford Rogers, William, Hartford


Rood, David A, Hartford Root, J G, Hartford Rouse, George W, Voluntown

Rudd, William B, Lakeville Russegue, H E, Hartford Russell, Charles A, Killingly

Russell, T W, Hartford Russell, William C, Orange


Sage, Ruffus B, Cromwell Sanger, Marvin H, Canterbury Scanlan, John E,

Scott, L F, Bethlehem Selden, Joseph, Norfolk Semple,Alenander, Broad Brook

Sevin, N Douglass, Norwich Seward,S H, Putnam Seymour, Morris W, Bridgeport

Sharpe, W C, Seymour Sheldon, H S, Suffield Shepard,James, New Britian

Shove, Henry E, Warren Sibley, P B, Brooklyn Simonds, WilliamE, Hartford

Simpson, Samuel, Wallingford Skelly, MF, Woodbury Skilton, D W C, Hartford

Skinner, William C, Hartford Smith,Andrew T, Hartford Smith, Charles B, Hartford

Smith, C H, Naugatuck Smith, Edward J, Hartford Smith, James D, Stamford

Smith, Julius B, Burlington Smith, Martin H, Suffield Smith, Prentice O,Franklin

Smith, Robert R, New Hartford Smith, Sidney K, Naugatuck Smith, Washington, Canterbury

Spaulding, Alva W, Hartford Spencer, CM, Windsor Spencer, Daniel C, Old Saybrook

Bios Download

Sperry, Aner, Hartford Sperry, Lewis, E Windsor Hill Sprague, William B, Andover

Squire, L, New Haven St John, S Y, New Canaan Stagg, Henry P, Stratford

Stanley, William M, E Hartford Stanton, Avery A, Sterling Stanton, George Dallas, Stonington

Stanton, R P, Norwich Stqaub, Nicholas, Ne Milford Steele, E J, Torrington

Steele, Thomas S, Hartford Stevens,E C, Norfolk Stevens, Frederick S, Bridgeport

Stevenson, William H, Bridgeport Stickney, John N, Rockville Stiles, Norman C, Middletown

Stillson, Charles H, Ansonia Stone, GeorgeM, Hartford Storrs, Augustus, Mansfield

Street, F F, E Hartford Strong, David, Winsted Sturtevant,C P, Norwich

Sucher, Theodore H, N Haven Summer, E G, Mansfield


Taft, George E, Unionville Taintor, Henry E, Hartford Taintor, James U, Hartford

Taintor, Ralph S, Colchester Terrill,M W, Middlefield Thomas, Aaron, Thomaston

Thompson, Charles E, Hartford Thompson, Curtis, Bridgeport Thompson,E W, New Britain

Thompson, James M, Hartford Thurber, Thomas J, PutnamHeights Tillinghast, George F,Canterbury

Todd, F, Hayden Todd, William S, Ridgefield Torrance,David, Derby

Towne, Henry R, Stamford Turner,S W, Chester Tuttle, Byron, Plymouth

Tuttle, Dwight, E Haven Twitchell, Homer, Naugatuck


Ulrich, George, Hartford Vance, Robert J, New Britian Wadsworth, W M, Farmington

Wait, John T, Norwich Waldo, George C, Bridgeport Wales, Henry N, Willimantic

Walkeley, Stephen, Southington Wallace, Robert, Wallingford Wanzer,Homer L, New Fairfield

Warner, Alexander, Pomfret Warner, GeorgeR, Hartford Waqrner, H A, New Haven

Warren, Charles O, Eastford Warren, TraceyB, Bridgeport Watrous, Wm H, Hartford

Watson, Thomas, Winsted Watson,Thos L, Bridgeport Weaver, Thos S, Hartford

Webb, Frank F, Windham Webster,Chauncey B, Waterbury Webster,John C, Hartford

Wessells, H W, Litchfield West, Samuel F, Columbia Wheeler, Joseph K, Hartford

White, Cyrus, Rockville White, Edgar D, Andover White, Edwin S, Hartford

White, Henry M, Torrington White,Horace, Manchester White, John H, Hartford

White, Walter, P, Putnam Whiting, Charles B, Hartford Wilcox, Aug. C, New Haven

Wildman, H H, New Fairfield Wile, W C, Danbury Wilkinson, Edmund, Greenwich

Willcox, Washington F, Chester Williams, Francis, Chaplin Williams, Street, Wallingford

Williams, S P, Plainville Wilson, J C, Stonington Wilson, N A, Harwinton

Winch, J W, Union Winslow, Horace, Simsbury Wood,John H, Thomaston

Wood, John P, Brooklyn Woodward, I B, Thomaston Woodward, P H, Hartford

Woodward, W W, Danielsonville Wooster, Wm B, Ansonia Worden, Lewis, Danielsonville

Yeomans, M A, Andover Yergason, E S, Hartford York, S A, New Haven

Transcribed by : Terasa Ahlgren

Copyright : July 12, 2001

Flashing Your BIOS

General Instructions:
Flashing [aka upgrading] your bios should be the last resort to solve a problem. Most people flash to gain the use of larger hard drives although recently, many are flashing to get all the features of XP to work. Other people have to upgrade their bios just to get XP to work properly with some specific hardware.

A couple of items are really important if you decide to flash. First. Make sure the updated bios addresses the issue you are trying to solve. eg many motherboard makers update their bios's for many different reasons. A reason may simply be to get a certain big name brand of pc to work correctly with a new cd writer big brand pc is selling.

So you really have to read the docs so see if the upgrade addresses your specific niggle or concern. Secondly, try your motherboard maker first to see if they have the files you need. Bios's upgrades are best had, if available, from the company that made your motherboard or pc. In most cases these are free.

Thirdly, READ THE DOCS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM TO THE LETTER. Dont skip any steps, especially the backup option if available. Fourth, if the upgrade calls for a clean bootdisk, use one. The disk I made especially for bios flashing is the one you can download above. It's a DrDOS bootdisk with NO drivers loading up in config.sys or autoexec.bat which is very important. My bios flash bootdisk is recommended by the most popular motherboad makers.

If you dont have a 1.44 drive I also created a utility to use to flash from a CD which you can add the new bios and flash utility to and then burn it.

It should have room to add your new bios, the flash utility, and also have room for the backup. If not one can always use another disk for the info. Always use BRAND NEW MEDIA when dealing with flashes.

In order to locate the correct bios upgrade for your motherboard you need to know who made it AND you need to know the model number. If your PC was made locally perhaps you have the manual. If not, then you need to find out the maker and model. Or, and very common with major brands, your computer maker will/may have the updated bios's on their website.

I have one windows and three dos utils that find your motherboard maker and model number. One of them should work for you. The DOS utils are on my DOStools Page under Diagnostics, and are called CTbios, MBID, and HW iNFO. The windows utility is called BIOS Agent and is on my Utilities Page under Hardware .


Once you ID your motherboard and model go the the manufacturers website and see what they have available. Note that some upgrades will come with their own bootdisk/utility so you may not need the disk I made.

Again, note that even tho many people flash their bios regularly to get the latest features and never have a problem, I still recommend it as a last resort as a flash gone bad will make your pc unusable if the backup doesn't work. Look at it this way, suppose I have a used 80 gig drive I want to resuse and my old P400 cant even detect it so I have an unusable pc. This is the best, and most common reason to flash.

On the other hand, if you have a more modern pc that cant see lets say a 180 gig drive and but all else is working properly then you may want to consider a PCI hard drive controller card which has an onboard bios that will see your new large hard drive and also come with 2 more IDE channels you can use in addition to the 2 channels you already have. This is safer than flashing the bios.


Thanks for visiting and remember: Don't fix a system that's not broken :)

Kindest regards,
Ed Jablonowski

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