Cm0304 Save Game Editor


Graemes CM 01/02 Save Game Editor - posted in Tools: Graeme's CM 01/02 Save Game Editor The editor's large set of features is just impressive. It started off much like most saved gamed editor in regards to what it offered the user to edit. However, it has gone from strength to strength with each and every release adding loads of new and useful features along the way. The latest of these is the. Save Editor is a tool for Need for Speed: Most Wanted (the one from 2005), created by unknown modder. Description: This tool allows you to modify game’s save’s. You can for example change ammount of money, player’s name or his ranking. Instructions: Just extract to game’s folder and run the tool. Graeme's CM 01/02 Save Game Editor The editor's large set of features is just impressive. It started off much like most saved gamed editor in regards to what it offered the user to edit. However, it has gone from strength to strength with each and every release adding loads of new and useful features along the way. The latest of these is the. have released V.0.10 of their pre game editor. It is compatible with both CM4 and CM0304, i have updated the link further up the page but for those of you (like me) who cant be arsed to read, here it is.

Graeme's CM 01/02 Save Game Editor
The editor's large set of features is just impressive. It started off much like most saved gamed editor in regards to what it offered the user to edit. However, it has gone from strength to strength with each and every release adding loads of new and useful features along the way. The latest of these is the ability to add/edit a team's shortlist.
Graeme's CM 01/02 Saved Game Editor is a winner in all departments making it a must have for your CM 01/02 collection of downloads.
Installation Instructions
Download the editor from the link above and extract to anywhere on your computer. Run setup to install the program.
Please note that if you have already installed a previous version of the editor in the past, then you will need to remove it before installing the latest version.
If you are a Windows XP user and are having trouble with the editor; Run it in Win2000 compatability mode (Right Click on Program Icon, Properties, Compatability).
Open the program and select the 'CM0102 Installed?' tick box. Make sure the file path to the CM0102 executable (the football icon) is correct, this is usually C:Program FilesChampionship Manager 01-02cm0102.exe.
Select your save game and away you go!
Using the Editor
Searching for a player: Couldn't be simpler. Bottom left of the main screen, you'll see text that says 'Graeme Kelly'. This is the seearchtext. Enter your search here - it has to be 3 characters long, at least. Supports searching for player nicknames as well. Once searched, the list of matching players will appear at the listbox above. Click on the player you want to load his details. Editing is fairly simple - there are various tabs with all sorts of data on them. Make your changes, and click on 'update' at the bottom left. One thing noteworthy is the player/staff attributes. These are listed twice. Left column is the 'raw' value as per the *.sav file. Right column is the value you see in CM. Changing the 'raw' will update the displayed value, so you have an accurate representation of the data. And finally on this part - editing player preferences. On the 'attributes 2' tab, you'll see the various preference lists. Click one and press the backspace key to remove it. Or click on, then right click to see the menu of actions - edit and delete from here. Note that this is auto-updated (it is entirely independent from the 'update' button mentioned above).
Player/staff contracts: As per the contract tab, you'll see various options for the players contract. Its all very self-explanitory. The only thing is that there is a separate 'update contract' button on the bottom right of this tab. Please remember to click on this after making changes to a player's contract!
Load *.pls feature: Near the bottom left (again) you'll see this button. It its to load saved shortlists from CM. Browse for the file and click to open. It will list the players so you can view/edit them as normal. You can also add/remove players from your shortlist. Though, to be honest it would be safer doing this from within CM. It should work though - I tested it. Also it would be a good idea to make backups of your shortlist files, just in case!
Transferring players: I'm afraid that in my editor, this is simply not possible. Its far too difficult for me to implement satisfactorily, and has too many unknown implications on the game. Fear not, for a workaropund is here - edit the player's contract. From here, you can list him, make him unhappy, insert minimum fees, change other clauses etc. And then just restore your game and buy him 'legitimately'.
Searching for a club: Again, bottom left. You'll see an option box that syas 'Clubs'. Select this (default is normally set to player searching) and you can choose your club from the dropdown box that will appear where the search text described above would be. This will list all the players and staff found for that club. To edit the club itself (stadium, reputation, strip colours, training facilities, club status) then click on one of the players it lists, and near the bottom of the first tab, you'll see the 'edit club' button.
Editing Nations: Unfortunately, not a very good interface in this editor. You can still edit nations though. Search for a player/nonplayer from that nation and click his name to load his details. On the first tab, you'll see his primary and secondary nations listed. There's an 'edit nation' button next to these. Edit reputation, stadium etc. And remove players from the national team squad.
Editing Referees: Tab on the far right, with separate search text (referee name) and results listbox. Fairly simple. Search for the ref, then click his name to load the data to the screen. Again, there is a separate 'update' button for referees.
Scout feature: On the scout tab, is the listbox for results, and a few self-explanitory command buttons. 'Define Player Search Parameters' being the obvious choice. This will bring up a form that allows you to set the criteria for the search. Grouped into a few categories, all you need to is click the appropriate 'use?' box to enable you to set these parameters. Clicking on 'OK' will return you to the main form, and list all matching players. Please note that on low-end machines, this feature may take a while. The more parameters you select, the quicker the search. The less categories however, also the quicker the search.
Regenerated players feature: Search for a player. Eg. Laurent Blanc. Click 'Add regen watch', then exit the editor. Player your first season until Blanc reties, and disappears from the playing staff. Confrim this by doing a find-]player Lauren Blanc within CM. If he's not there, then he will have regenerated. Save and exit CM. Load my editor, and the name of his regen should have appeared on the appropriate list in the regens tab. Simple, yet effective. Note that in the current version, you can't track the regeneration of staff. Also note that there is no way you can find who a player is a regen of without having added the watch before the original player retired.
Saving changes: The 'update' buttons will apply changes to the editor's own temporary *.dat files. On the bottom left you'll see a 'save' button. CLick this to apply all changes you've made to the *.sav file. Simple.

Cm0304 Save Game Editor

Cm0304 Save Game Editor Free

Click on the CM4 pregame editor icon and start editing, it's as simple as that, CM is yours for the taking! A mail with your game/cm/mcm information (you can use this button when you have. Championship Manager Platforms, Year of inception 1992 1992 ( 1992) 2015 The Championship Manager is a series of -management simulation, the first of.