A-men 2 - Game Master trophy; A-men 2 - King of the Hill trophy; A-men 2 - Lab Geek trophy. Dragon Age: Origins - Blight-Queller trophy; Dragon Age: Origins - Grey. Me playing Dragon Age: Origins and the Blight Queller trophy. Kill 1,000 darkspawn and it was glitched for me on all playthroughs, so I had to replay it again fully unpatched to get the plat. Well over 100 hours to get that one, but honestly I loved that game so not too bad. Blight-Queller: Killed 1000 darkspawn. Name Description; Silver Tongued: Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts. Bully: Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts. This trophy was recently confirmed to need the following places by Fleapants on the Bioware forums. Make sure to create an extra save before heading to the. Question about Trophy List By westerosi27, 3 months ago 7 Replies: problem Blight-Queller By roninleon, 4 months ago 15 Replies: Re-spec Character By Nadinchen211, 7 months ago 3 Replies: Money glitch By majob, 7 months ago 1 Reply: Worth playing it on console? By PoohBearQuixote, 8 months ago 11 Replies. Blight-Queller didn't unlock for me for a while; it was during the early part of my third playthrough. So all I can say is just keep killing them darkspawn and hope for the best. It would be nice of Edge of Reality to fix some of the console bugs, including achievement unlocks, especially since the game's been out for six months.
Total Trophies: 77Dragon Age: Origins is the spiritual successor to BioWare’s critically acclaimed Baldur’s Gate, featuring deep character customization and role-playing, morally challenging decisions, tactical party-based combat, and a wealth of gritty, mature sub-plots. It is a dark, heroic fantasy game that combines original storytelling techniques with classic role-playing challenges.
The Ultimate Reward
Completed all Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies
Last of Your Line
Completed the Human Noble origin story
Completed the Dalish Elf origin story
Completed the City Elf origin story
Completed the Magi origin story
Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story
Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story
Last of the Wardens
Completed Ostagar
Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies
Hero of Redcliffe
Completed “The Arl of Redcliffe”
Completed “The Landsmeet”
Complete 15 job-board quests
Across all playthroughs, recruited all party members
Hopelessly Romantic
Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances
Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings
Used a tome to improve the main character’s attributes, talents, spells, or skills
The Ultimate Sacrifice
The ultimate sacrifice was made in defense of Ferelden.
A Dark Promise
Defeated the Archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life.
Magic Sympathizer
Sided with the mages in “Broken Circle”
Annulment Invoker
Sided with the templars in “Broken Circle”
Sided with the werewolves in “Nature of the Beast”
Sided with the elves in “Nature of the Beast”
Sided with the Cult of Andraste in “The Urn Of Sacred Ashes”
Defied the Cult of Andraste in “The Urn of Sacred Ashes”
Bhelen’s Ally
Sided with Bhelen in “A Paragon of Her Kind”
Harrowmont’s Ally
Sided with Harrowmont in “A Paragon of Her Kind”
Destroyed the Anvil of the Void
Preserved the Anvil of the Void
Heavy Hitter
Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit
Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle
Set foot in every area in the game
Master of Arms
Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior
Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue
Main character achieved level 20 as a mage
Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
Completed a Chanter’s Board quest
Grey Warden
Killed 100 darkspawn
Master Warden
Killed 500 darkspawn
Killed 1000 darkspawn
Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim’s Gates in The Final Battle.
Dragon Age Origins Blight Queller Trophy
Crafted an item
Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts
Silver Tongued
Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts
Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts
Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts
First Knight
Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair
Witch Gone Wild
Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan
Easy Lover
Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran
Wine, Woman, and Song
Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana
Main character learned a specialization
Main character learned two specializations
Master of the Peak
Completed “Soldier’s Peak” (“Warden’s Keep” downloadable content)
Took advantage of Avernus’s research (“Warden’s Keep” downloadable content)
Rock and a Hard Place
Completed “The Golem in Honnleath” (“The Stone Prisoner” downloadable content)
Stone’s Lament
Completed “A Golem’s Memories” (“The Stone Prisoner” downloadable content)
Awakening DLC Trophies
Savior of Kal’Hirol
Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal’Hirol (”Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
The Enduring Vigil
Acquired all upgrades for Vigil’s Keep (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Blind Vengeance
Escaped the Silverite Mines (”Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Pride Before the Fall
Defeated the Baroness (”Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Amaranthine’s Last Hope
Saved the City of Amaranthine (”Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Keeper of the Vigil
Saved Vigil’s Keep (”Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Completed Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Commander of the Grey
Reached level 30 (“Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening” expansion)
Darkspawn Chronicles DLC Trophies
Bane of Thedas
Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Fereldan’s last Grey Warden. (“Darkspawn Chronicles” downloadable content)
Earned maximum approval from all thrall types. (‘Darkspawn Chronicles’ downloadable content)
Ogre’s Keeper
Keep the initial ogre as your thrall throughout the entire module. (‘Darkspawn Chronicles’ downloadable content)
Leliana’s Song DLC Trophies
Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur (‘Leliana’s Song’ downloadable content)
Turning Point
Heard Lelian’s version of her betrayal. (‘Leliana’s Song’ downloadable content)
Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams. (‘Leliana’s Song’ downloadable content)
The Golems of Amgarrak DLC Trophies
Defeated the Harvester (‘The Golems of Amgarrak’ downloadable content)
Grim Reaper
Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty (‘The Golems of Amgarrak’ downloadable content’)
A Secret Stitched Together
Gathered all of the research notes in Amgarrak (‘The Golems of Amgarrak’ downloadable content)
Witches Hunt DLC Trophies
Varaterral’s Fall
Defeated the Varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficluty (“Witch Hunt” Downloadable Content)
Witch Hunter
Completed “Witch Hunt” (“Witch Hunt” Downloadable Content)
A Time of Wood and Stone
Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig (“Witch Hunt” Downloadable Content)
Through the Looking Glass
Completed the scrying ritual (“Witch Hunt” Downloadable Content)
My little corner of Korea. |
A little bit of sci-fi, a little bit of western, and a dash of drama.
I play a lot of games. Before I journeyed to South Korea with my wife to teach ESL I worked for GameStop. While working at GameStop I played a lot of games. I also talked about games with a lot of people. I was always interested to see the different types of people who enjoyed the many games out there. Prior to working at GameStop I worked for Best Buy in the home theater department (not that it kept me from working in any other department in the store...). While at Best Buy I once helped an 80-year-old couple pick out an HDTV for their PS3. The woman informed me that she enjoyed Resident Evil 5 but that her husband just kept getting killed all the time. So he would watch while she would play.... I immediately asked her how in love with her husband she truly was and if she had ever thought about meeting another man.
Sitting in South Korea (I'm still sitting in South Korea) I have all the time in the world* to play my favorite games and most of the newer AAA titles that release. My biggest problem is that I just don't have people to talk with about my passion. (Side note: while many Koreans play Starcraft, it's not as big as you would think... for example, in the year that I've been here I've met one Korean who plays regularly.) My wife, God bless her, can be my soundboard at times, but I know that she cares about this as much as I care about what type of BB Cream she uses (that is to say, we both smile, nod, and tell each other to keep it under $100).
So here I am: I'm on the Internets! In this monthly blog post I'm going to be taking a look at what I am playing and my random thoughts surrounding it all. Please note the word 'random' as I will be segueing into a myriad of topics seemingly unrelated at times, I'm sure. Also, if you make it all the way to the bottom of this and your brain is still functioning, be sure to drop a comment about what you've been playing. Sound off and let me know what you think!
*'all the time in the world'- I work Monday through Friday from 1:30-8:30. Any time around there is my time....
January's playlist:
1.) Dead Space, Dead Space: Extraction, Dead Space 2- Sometimes I get in the mood to play a whole series rather than a single entry. When this mood set-in in the earlier part of January I reached for my copy of Dead Space: Extraction on my Dead Space 2 disc. I powered through it on the hardest setting to get those trophies and then moved to Dead Space. I originally purchased Dead Space when it released to hold me over until the release of Fallout 3. Honestly, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Dead Space is one of my favorite games of the generation and I can't speak highly enough of it. So it was only fitting that my first platinum trophy would come from this game. I actually played through Impossible mode with little difficulty (8.5 hours and relatively few deaths). After completing Dead Space I dove into Dead Space 2. Now, this particular title has 'hard-core' mode that only allows you to save three times throughout a single play-through. I'm not sure if I have enough gusto to make it through that right now, so I didn't get around to completing it.
2.) Red Dead Redemption- When the title originally released I was working at GameStop and I convinced our manager (who received a free copy for the 360) to give me his copy. I played it a bit but was never able to finish it for one reason or another. When we decided to come to Korea, I decided to only bring my PS3 (its region-free capabilities really made this decision) so I traded-in several 360 titles to pick up their PS3 counterparts. Sadly, RDR didn't make the swap. Then, in early January, I saw the GOTY version and decided to pick it up. I played through the original campaign and loved it. It was a great story with a surprisingly likeable main character. The game controlled well and I didn't see any of the graphical problems associated with the PS3 version of the game. The multiplayer was interesting, although it didn't really hold my interest for too long. The GOTY version also included Undead Nightmare, which won several awards back when it first released in 2010. I found it really repetitive. I loved the subtle (and not-so-subtle) humor tied to having characters from the main game experiencing a zombie apocalypse, but the missions were all far too similar to keep me going. I'm sure that I'll pick it back up again sometime in the future, but it won't be for awhile.
3.) Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II- I loved DA:O. I played it on the 360 originally and purchased the Ultimate Edition for the PS3. I played through the game several times back in the earlier half of 2011 and earned most of the trophies. The one trophy keeping me from my platinum was the glitched 'Blight-Queller' trophy. To earn it, you must kill 1,000 darkspawn. I had done this, probably two times over, but it hadn't popped. So I played the Tower of Ishal portion of the game for 2 hours and 30 minutes. When it finally unlocked (along with the platinum) I immediately quit-out of the game and ejected the disc. I then decided to do a platinum run for Dragon Age II. I won't even bring myself back to that dark experience, but you can read about it here if you are so inclined.
4.) Mass Effect 2- God, I love this game! I bought the collector's edition back when it originally released for the 360. I enjoyed the hell out of it. I made sure to grab the PS3 version when it came out a year ago. I actually received it in May of last year (thanks to our awesome postal service...) and, unfortunately was unable to redeem any of the DLC due to the PSN being down. So upon finishing the game I deleted my character with the thought that as soon as I could I would download the extras and do a full playthrough. After forty hours I had completed the game fully and on Insanity to earn my platinum trophy and now I'm fully prepped for Mass Effect 3 when it launches on March 6th.
5.) Shadow of the Colossus- I truly did not see what all the hype surrounding this game was about. I go into a little more depth in my previously written post entitled My Thoughts on Shadow of the Colossus HD.
6.) Back to the Future: The Game ('It's About Time')- I got this game for free (along with the other four episodes) thanks to Playstation Plus (which you can read about here). This episode was pretty good, but unfortunately not quite good enough to propel me into the next episode. There is one noteworthy part of the game that I found really interesting. As Marty McFly, you are tasked to help a young Doc Brown to mix a fuel for his 'rocket drill.' The way that you are given instructions, however, is by listening to word cues shouted by Doc Brown as he argues with his father about his future. It's a really ingenious technique and one that I enjoyed listening to just as much as I enjoyed playing the segment.
7.) Starhawk (beta)- As a Playstation Plus member I was given early access to the beta for the upcoming third-person action shooter, Starhawk. I wrote a post awhile back outlining my first experience with the title in which I go into a little detail about what to expect and what I thought of it.
Dragon Age Origins Blight Queller Trophy
8.) Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12- I really enjoy the opportunity to play golf with my dad. It's been quite awhile since the last time that we hit the real links, but over the last couple months we have tried to find time once in awhile to play a few rounds on Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 12. Although hands-down, without a doubt the most whorish title to ever charge for DLC, I do enjoy it in moderation. Seriously though: you can easily spend triple the original retail price of $59.99 on DLC alone, most of which, was available day one. Day one DLC doesn't really make me feel good about a product that I just dropped sixty bones on, especially when it constantly reminds me at every turn that there is DLC to buy. For example: you cannot finish an entire season without buying DLC. 'EA Sports, it's in the game'? More like, 'EA Sports: it's in the store'.
9.) Find Mii (Street Pass)- This addictive little addition to the 3DS has me turning my handheld on every day before I walk the thirty minutes it takes me to get to and from work. I finally beat Find Mii for the first time last week after using 199 heroes. Of course, since the 3DS hasn't released in Korea, I don't actually get any tags so I just use the coins I earn from the pedometer function. The 3DS logs me at about 5,000 steps every day and you can earn 1 coin for every 100 steps with a maximum of 10 coins per day. To recruit a hero, you must spend two coins. You can do the math. Either way, my only problem with this little game is that there is a maximum amount of coins that you can earn in one day.
Finally, I'd like to establish a little section here for what I'm not playing... I know, sounds weird, right?
1.) Skyrim- I waited for Skyrim for several years. I owned its predecessor, Oblivion, on all three platforms. I was a day one adopter of both titles. I enjoyed about eighty hours of Skyrim until it just simply broke on me. Right now it doesn't matter what character I play, new or leveled, or what I do, the game freezes my system every fifteen minutes of play. I am not one to say that Bethesda should be strung-up over this. However, their simple nonchalance in the matter of the PS3 version really worries me. How long must we wait while they, allegedly, 'perfect' their 'Creation Kit'? Also, they're going to give PC users a 'surprise' when it launches today (February 7th)... for what? I'm not suggesting that anyone is entitled to anything, other than a functioning product. Unfortunately for most PS3 users, we are out in the cold while Bethesda coddles the PC fan-base. Bitter? A little: I own the title that I've been waiting the longest for and all it's doing is gathering dust due to poor testing or straight-up lies from a developer that I once trusted and adored.
So that's it for January. February looks terribly promising with my copies of Resident Evil: Revelations and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning arriving (hopefully) within the next week. Both titles are receiving good to great reviews and both are extremely promising. Also in February, Far Cry 2 will be free for all Playstation Plus members on Valentine's Day (February 14th for those of you with significant others...) and the Mass Effect 3 demo will be available to everyone that day as well. Happy Valentine's Day indeed!