Access and control other PCs remotely
TeamViewer is a program used to remotely control any computer or server around the world (with the owner's permission) for desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer.
Download TeamViewer for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 27802 downloads this month. Download TeamViewer latest version 2020.
- Download TeamViewer in the version 8 and 9 directly. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
- TeamViewer 12 for Windows. Establishes remote incoming and outgoing connections for real-time support or access to another computer. Join meetings and presentations, talk to other people or groups, and make video calls. After downloading and installing this software, your first session will show up and run within seconds.
Información adicional
- 15.11.6
- 2020-11-25
- 54.8K
- Gratis
- 28.4MB
- Windows
- Internet Browsers and Plugins/Remote Control
- Nombre del archivo
Versión más nueva disponible para descargar15.12.4
Descargar TeamViewer versión 15.11.6
Puede que le guste
Disponible para otros sistemas operativos
Otras versiones
Versiones antiguas TeamViewerLa aplicación es segura
Escaneado por Google VirusTotal2020-10-28 18:40:49 UTC
Se ha informado que la aplicación es segura después de ser escaneada por 68 escáneres de virus certificados a través de Google VirusTotal
File type
PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit
Leer más detallado informe de exploración en VirusTotal...Access and control other PCs remotely
TeamViewer is a program used to remotely control any computer or server around the world (with the owner's permission) for desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer.
Additional information
- 14.0.12762
- 2020-11-25
- 54.9K
- Free
- 21.5MB
- Windows
- Internet Browsers and Plugins/Remote Control
- filename
Download TeamViewer version 14.0.12762
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Available for other operating systems
Other versions
Old versions TeamViewerLast scanned on
Descargar Teamviewer Gratis Para Windows 10
Virus scan report
App has been reported safe after being scanned by 67 certified virus scanners via Google VirusTotal
File type
Win32 EXE
Descargar Teamviewer Gratis En Espanol
PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit