3dsout.arx. Anyone using it? I've downloaded the 64bit version but it wont load in ACA2015. Yep, it's written for an AutoCAD release 9 years ago (and 9 releases before), no chance to get it running with current AutoCAD versions. I can't export in FBX. The 3DSOUT command allows you to create a file in the 3D Studio (3DS) format. 3DSOUT saves 3D geometry and views in the 3DS exported 3DS file. 3DSOUT exports circles, polygonal meshes, polyface meshes, and objects with surface characteristics. Lights and materials created in AutoCAD 2006 or earlier releases are also saved in the 3DS file. 3DSOUT command description: Saves.3DS files in the 3D Studio format You can run the 3DSOUT command in any localized version of AutoCAD by typing 3DSOUT in the commandline. Search 3DSOUT on the Internet.
When you import a drawing file, 3ds Max converts a subset of the AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architecture (formerly Architectural Desktop), or Revit objects to corresponding 3ds Max objects.
3ds In Autocad 2018
After you select a drawing file to import, the AutoCAD DWG/DXF Import Options dialog is displayed. After choosing options and proceeding with the import, you are presented with editable meshes, editable splines, and PRS controllers. Each nested block maintain its parent-child hierarchy and is imported as “Block/Style Parent”. In addition, if a single drawing object creates both mesh and spline geometry, you will find objects referred to as “Linked Geometry” in the scene. Block/Style Parent and Linked Geometry objects appear in the modifier stack on the Modify panel.
If you are using AutoSurf or AutoCAD Designer, use the AutoCAD command 3DSOUT to export mechanical models to 3ds Max. You can also explode the mechanical models and then import the resulting file, but some data will not appear in the AutoCAD drawing file.
The Import Options dialog contains three panels, documented in the following topics:
A Note on Large-Scale Drawings
If you attempt to import geometry that is created very far from the origin or contains a very large bounding box in tools like AutoCAD, the 3ds Max viewports and transform tools do not respond properly. When you use them, the cursor does not move smoothly.
For example, if you have a file that is a mile wide, but your system units are millimeters, you have a scene width of 1.6 million units, which is too great a value. If you change your system unit to feet, this is less taxing on the system.
If any side of the scene's bounding box measures larger than ± 1,000,000 system units, you will see the following dialog:
Anyone who has worked with AutoCAD knows the importance of being able to work quickly for doing the most amount of work in the least amount of time. While people think that a strong technical ground and understanding for creating designs would suffice for an efficient job, in reality, knowledge about the handy shortcuts is also a must to quickly navigate through the software. Today, we have brought the 30 best AutoCAD quick commands and shortcuts which will save your time and energy while working on AutoCAD. Have a look!
This command allows you to take your objects from layout to the model space and lets you choose a viewport in which you can push the text or objects.
You can explode a block/object using BURST without losing any of its attributes.
You can copy linework from a nested object into the current worksheet, which is especially useful for importing XREF linework into current drawings.
As the name suggests, OOPS deletes your mistake no matter how far back you made it. You can forgo using CTRL-Z, as with OOPS, you can undo your last erase command without affecting any work done since then.
If you are sick of working on those black command lines, just set FILEDIA value to 1 which will open the dialog boxes in AutoCAD and perform the same function as the command lines.
APPLOAD gives you the option of setting an application to load along with AutoCAD.
This command lets you refresh your drawing in the viewport.
Make a dimension starting from the baseline of earlier dimensions that can be either linear, angular or coordinate.
9) ID
The Viewpoint coordinates throughout the worksheet.
10) Autoscale Setting
Change the default scale factor by changing the Auxiliary scale factor to Plot Scale or Dimscale.
If you are a drawing perfectionist, you can delete all those pesky duplicate or overlapping items using OVERKILL.
12) QDIM
Select objects and use QDIM for Quick Dimension Creation.
This command attempts to recover a damaged file.
14) Default NO PLOT Layer
Adding notes in a drawing can be a hassle, but you can add a layer called DEFPOINTS which allows you to scribble and draw anything in model and paper space but won’t be plotted.
Makes your text more presentable by orienting it to a specified angle or the autodetected most precise angle. It can also work on Block Attributes.
Autocad 3ds Out
This command enables you to create an auto-generated surface between two predefined curves.
17) Importing Block Definitions
To save your definitions for a later reference, click on INSERT command and after selecting the file, press the ESC key at the first prompt.
This command builds on the stereotype that engineers can’t spell. So, you can use this spell check to rectify all language errors.
Trim a block’s visible area via its boundary line by using the command XCLIP and then setting or drawing the boundary.
18) U
This command is another way to “undo,” saves you the “bother” of clicking CTRL+Z.
Use this to import and export materials from/to a library.
20) BOX
Rather than searching for the icon, just type BOX and creates a 3D rectangle after defining its height, depth, and width.
It pops up the option of choosing the layer color for future objects/lines/blocks.
‘Dimaligned’ aligns your dimensions with an axis or a line.
This command makes your 3D model all flashy by modifying the lighting effects.
It enables the user to edit multiple parallel lines in one go.
You can change the dimensions of your plot paper size and set up your paper in paper space using ‘PAGESETUP.’
It enables you to create freehand drawing lines. This command is particularly useful when used with a drawing pen, but a mouse also does the trick.
27) TIME
It displays all properties of your current DWG file such as the creation date, last update, and edit times.
28) 3DSOUT
3dsout Autocad 2017
It exports a compatible file with 3D Studio [.3ds].
This one is my favorite! Just enter these magic words, and you can hit the end of your workday with two extra seconds to spare!
30) One Key Shortcut
You can learn all of the one-key AutoCAD shortcuts here on the Autodesk website!
3ds In Autocad
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